Tuesday 5 January 2016


A night to Remember

I remember the first time I started to love you

It was another new feeling, but it came so naturally

You helped me through everything, you were always there

I knew it was right, I knew you were mine

You never left me like i thought you would, u stood by me through it all

It is such a beautiful and amazing thing to know you, and that you'll never hurt me

Your love wrapped in a gift box, presented to me was my trail of hope

I'll do everything to keep you, I'll never let you go

You are the only one, you'll always be

And now I remember, that my love for you will never cease

I love you. FOREVER

season of love. 

COMPOSER; Mabel Asante Addy
(Prevals Secretary)

Share your love stories and poems on the prevals'16 facebook page; www.facebook.com/Prevals or Pre-Valentine Package 16'


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