Sunday 10 January 2016

ValsFest 2016 Devotion



The name of Jesus is the powerful name both in the physical and spiritual realm.

The name provides us with comfortability, when we voice it out during our trial moments.

The Good Book also gives us assurance that, at the mention of the name Jesus, every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord (Phi 2:9-11)

Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving us your only son. May His name get stuck at the tip of our tongues always. We pray that we will continually be with Him in good and bad times.  Amen

For more details about #ValsFest2016; 

Instagram: ValsFest_2016

Twitter: @prevalspackage



Tuesday 5 January 2016


A night to Remember

I remember the first time I started to love you

It was another new feeling, but it came so naturally

You helped me through everything, you were always there

I knew it was right, I knew you were mine

You never left me like i thought you would, u stood by me through it all

It is such a beautiful and amazing thing to know you, and that you'll never hurt me

Your love wrapped in a gift box, presented to me was my trail of hope

I'll do everything to keep you, I'll never let you go

You are the only one, you'll always be

And now I remember, that my love for you will never cease

I love you. FOREVER

season of love. 

COMPOSER; Mabel Asante Addy
(Prevals Secretary)

Share your love stories and poems on the prevals'16 facebook page; or Pre-Valentine Package 16'


Monday 4 January 2016


An image depicting Ruth asking Boaz
to marry her.

Love as they say at first sight is untrue but rather love grows. 

The story between Boaz and Ruth helps us to understand how true Love emanate.

Ruth was a moabite woman who lost her husband and decided to change her geographical location to look for greener pasture.

Boaz was a Entrepreneur who owns many companies and employs many people to his Business Empire. 

How did it started?


It's all started when Ruth went to Boaz farm to search for handouts to live on. As hard working  and enterprising young woman, she was spotted by her master (Boaz)

Boaz, as any decent man will do, started doing background research about her new admirer from his employees.

He called the beautiful lady and engaged her in a conversation. The Damsel won the heart of the successful man who told her that, he do everything she wants him to do for her only if she asks for it.

Remember, the young man hasn't proposed to the woman yet.


The young woman went to her former mother-in-law (Naomi) and narrated what has happened and gave her advice on how to win the man heart for marriage. 

After seeing each other for sometime, the love for each other grew to a certain height as Ruth became more eager to Boaz as a new husband. 

One Evening after they finished dining together, Boaz went to have some rest. The young who loved the man and wanted to get him marriage device a strategy. 

At midnight, the determined woman went to sleep by the man and uncovered his feet and proposed to the man to marry her. 

Really? Someone will ask. Yeah, she did it and the man accepted the proposal and later got married and their lives became glorious. 

The marriage give birth to Obed and which our Lord Jesus Christ came from the same blood line. 


This shows that before you start dating someone as partner, you need to little background research about the individual.

Love is more gentle when it needs to find someone. 

A woman should not feel proud when you want a man. She should take the initiative and get the man involved and things will start rolling out.

Writer: Frederick Affram, PhD
(Intl. Love Dr)

Facebook Page:Pre-Valentine Package 16'
Twitter: @prevalspackage
Instagram: ValsFest_2016.